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Find out more about the importance of integrated land use planning as well as theoretical concepts and currently developed tools.


Daldegan, G. A. (2020) A Review of Publicly Available Geospatial Datasets and Indicators In Support of Dand Degradation Monitoring. Moore Center for Science, Conservation International.
GEO-LDN Initiative (2020) Review of data, analytical systems and code for calculating SDG Indicator 15.3.1: Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area. Technical Note. Group on Earth Observation Land Degradation Neutrality (GEO-LDN) Initiative, Geneva, Switzerland.
Johnson, I. and Alexander, S. (2017) Global Land Outlook. Chapter 6: Scenarios of Change. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
Metternicht, G. (2017) Global Land Outlook Working Paper on Land Use Planning. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
Orr, B. and Cowle, A. L. (2017) Scientific Conceptual Framework for Land Degradation Neutrality: A Report of the Science-Policy Interface. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
Schulze, K., Malek, Ž. and Verburg, P. (2021) How will land degradation neutrality change future land system patterns? A scenario simulation study. Environmental Science & Policy, 124.
Verburg, P. H. and Metternicht, G. (2019) Creating an Enabling Environment for Land Degradation Neutrality: A Report of the Science-Policy Interface. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
Wehrmann, B. (2011) Land Use Planning: Concepts, Tools and Applications. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Ziadat, F., Bunning, S. and De Pauw, E. (2017) Land and Water Division Working Paper: Land resource planning for sustainable land management. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Global Land Outlook: 2nd Edition. Release: May 2022

To be released:

UNCCD COP15 Decisions. Release: May 2022

Tools and Knowledge Hubs:

ELD Campus
FAO: Toolbox for Land Resource Planning